On http://www.ultrasound-images.com/breast.htm
I have just posted some nice sonographic images of a rather gray area in the field of breast imaging. There is almost no radiological literature on the subject of fibroadenosis of the breast, both on the internet and in print. At the link above are ultrasound images of both fibroadenoma and fibroadenosis of breast. What I have gathered is that fibroadenosis is a more or less "normal" nodularity of the breast which is usually self limiting (can disappear over a period of a few weeks to months). Clinically fibroadenosis may cause a little tenderness in the breast, with or without palpable nodules (which may be visualized on sonography). However, fibroadenoma of breast is a well established clinical and radiological entity. Fibroadenoma presents as a palpable (often "slippery") small nodule, well seen on ultrasound.
Here is a typical image of fibroadenoma.... (see above).
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