Monday, April 22, 2013

Is this a nodular subcortical heterotopia- neonatal brain ultrasound

This neonate shows a large (3.5 cms.) sized lesion in the Rt. cerebral hemisphere. What do these neonatal brain ultrasound images portray? Is it a case of neonatal nodular subcortical heterotopia or is it an ICSOL due to intracerebral bleed or some form of glioma?
the answer: this is a large  intracerebral  haematoma occupying the right parietal and occipital regions of the  neonate's  brain. This was the diagnosis based on the MRI scan.

See this link: Radiology (AJNR) article on disorders of cortical formation

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Multiple fetal anomalies- in 3rd trimester

This 35 week fetus has multiple anomalies.
Short femur, 2 vessel cord, prominent fetal labia....
and also a potential cardiac anomaly.
Fetal abdomen and AC:

Fetal head and BPD:
2 vessel cord- single umbilical artery:

Fetal labia:

Fetal femur and FL:
Fetal heart- 3 vessel view:

Video of fetal echo: is there a mild hypoplasia of the fetal left heart?