Intratesticular varicocele is the presence of a dilated vein within the testes, usually with coexisting extratesticular varicocele. In these nice ultrasound and color doppler images, Shlomo Gobi, Israel demonstrates an intratesticular varicocele of the left testes. The affected vessel (seen on color flow images) shows typical venous spectral flow pattern and reflux on Valsalva manoevre. The patient, in this case also had an extratesticular varicocele (not shown in these images). See the link: http://drjoea.googlepages.com/scrotum for more on this topic.
Also see: http://www.ultrasound-images.com/scrotum.htm for sonographic images and ultrasound case studies of the scrotum.
Images in this case are taken using an ATL HDI 3000 color doppler machine.